General George Smith Patton & "Willie" the Bull Terrier

  • Model:  General George Smith Patton & “Willie” the Bull Terrier
  • Modeller’s Name: Bob Williams
  • Scale: 1/16
  • Debut: 2014/02
  • Brand: MiniArt # 1602
  • Build Time: ?? Hours
  • Internet Link

Model Description


“A rather poorly sculpted model, except perhaps for his dog “Willie”, and I have made some additions to that (including his ‘willy‘ and balls, which the ‘sculptor’ had rather coyly left off!)
Patton was a truly appalling man ; egotistic, arrogant and insecure – His dyslexia was probably the least of his disabilities, and his dog must have been a great disappointment to him. Ugly and aggressive looking (not unlike his master) but in fact said to be ‘ a coward’, often seen cowering behind his master.
As for the scale of this kit; it is said to be (on the box) 1/16 which would make Patton about seven feet tall! That may have been intentional – I’m sure he liked to think of himself as ‘larger than life’.”


Modeller Name

Bob Williams (RIP)